The Fundamentals of Writing a Compare & Contrast Essay

10 Tips For Creating A Great Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast essays can be very interesting, both to the author and the reader because unlike your typical short story, both parties are likely to be surprised or, at the very least, learn something new about the world around them.
There is no right way to go about constructing any original creation however there are many wrong ways. To begin you must first consider your objective and reasons for writing this paper and them proceed to choose a style that best suits your desires. In ten short tips, I will outline some simple tips that I’ve gathered from professional freelance writers to help anyone construct an excellent compare and contrast essay:

  1. Formulate a hypothesis statement
  2. This statement declares a fact about the issue, one to be tested and proven while adhering to standard methods of investigation and experimentation.

  3. Construct an opening paragraph that clearly outline our intentions
  4. Stating your intentions before proceeding informs the reader of your goal and introduces them to the ideas you are working with.

  5. Collect information on both items before comparing
  6. Objectivity is important and you must devote equal efforts to both aspects of your topic. Selecting items for comparison that both have similar amounts of accessible information is also a good way to go.

  7. Analyze data of each item separately
  8. Before comparing, identify each item and list its unique attributes, as well as those that most define what it is.

  9. Compare information
  10. This can be done in a tabular form, or a tit for tat format where each relative feature of the topic is discussed in a paragraph together.

  11. Identify similarities and differences
  12. After you have listed the basic information on the subjects of investigation, you can, in a few paragraphs, discuss the distinct similarities and differences between the items, giving explanations for your deductions.

  13. List each in order of significance
  14. This is a general guide for the entire structure of your paper. Do a draft copy first, use this draft to analyze your content and help you organize the information in a more flowing manner.

  15. Present each to the readers in an easy to understand format
  16. Where possible, make use of visual tools to represent data in an easy to understand format.

  17. Are the items under study very different or very similar?
  18. This is your opinion and you should state it clearly, along with your reasons for thinking so.

  19. Closing statement
  20. Your conclusion should state your final verdict on the items relationship to each other, keep it short and to the point.

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